Community Education
Dreaming. Inspiring. Doing.
ParaPro Testing
According to ETS.org, "The ParaPro Assessment measures the skills and knowledge in reading, writing and math possessed by prospective and practicing paraprofessionals. It also measures their ability to apply those skills and knowledge when assisting in classroom instruction. It was designed to satisfy the requirements of the federally legislated No Child Left Behind Act."
Anyone looking to work as a paraprofessional in the state of Indiana must successfully complete the ParaPro exam. Through our Continuing Education department, we are proud to be a testing site for this exam.
About the ParaPro Assessment and FAQ's
(most information taken from https://www.ets.org/parapro/about )
How Much does it cost?
The test is $75.00 total. The exam is $55.00 and the technology fee is $20.
Who Takes It?
The test is for prospective and practicing paraprofessionals.
How Long Is It?
Test starts at 5:30pm. Test takers have 2 1/2 hours to complete the test.
What Subjects Are on the Test?
Test subjects include Reading, Writing and Math.
What Are the Questions Like?
The test has 90 multiple-choice questions, approximately two-thirds of which focus on basic skills and knowledge. The remaining one-third focus on applying skills in the classroom. All test questions are in English.
How Is the Test Given?
The test is delivered on a computer and administered by appointment only.
How to Register:
Contact the ECS Community Education office by phone at 574-262-5678 with your interest in taking the ParaPro exam. An office staff member will walk you through the registration process.
1 Blazer Blvd Door #27
Elkhart, IN 46516
ECS Community Education offers the ParaPro test once a month. Currently scheduled dates for the '22-'23 school year are listed below*.
*dates are subject to change